When did you last flirt with him or tease him? 你上次和他调情或挑逗他是什么时候?
I had watched you flirt with Ingrid at the church picnics. 我曾经看到过你和英格里德在教堂野餐时坐在一起谈情说爱。
One of the symptoms of this is that he might blatantly flirt with other women right under your nose. 其中一个特征就是,他在你眼皮子底下都敢公然与其她女人调情!
He'll shamelessly flirt with other women in front of you. 他会在你面前毫不羞耻的跟别的女人调情!
Force yourself to go to parties and flirt with other guys, and one day you'll realize you're not just pretending to have fun or playing along with the dude hitting on you-you're legitimately into it. 强迫自己参加聚会,勾搭一下其他的男性朋友,有一天你会意识到你不是在假装享受乐趣或和喜欢你的人一起玩这样做已经名正言顺了。
If you ask him out and he says no, but continues to flirt with you, now you know he's an asshole. 如果你约他出来他却不答应,而且还继续和你调情,那么你现在就知道他是个混蛋了。
Right, you need to hang out and flirt with the shy guy with the nice-smelling sweat. 对,你应该带在那里和那个出香汗的害羞男人调情。
Who is the girl you flirt with? 你调戏的那个女孩是谁?
But they had better beware: using text messages to flirt with the unwilling can result in a fine. 但他们最好小心了,如果把短信发给无意与自己调情的人,可能会招致罚款。
You need to flirt with alternatives. 你需要开阔思路,想想各种抉择。
You don't have to flirt with her first, genius. you're paying for it. 你不必跟她调情,你付了钱的。
When I go to parties, I can flirt with people and not feel guilty. 当我参加晚会时,我能与人调情并且不觉有什么。
It's hilarious watching him try to flirt with women half his age. 瞧他想和比自己年少一半的女子调情,真是可笑之至。
My girlfriend thinks that by flirting with other guys, she can make me jealous. well, I can play her game too, I flirt with other women. 我女朋友认为和其他小伙子调情会让我吃醋。好,我以其人之道还治其人之身,我和其他女子调情。
They may not be obvious to you now but you may find yourself enjoying the opportunity to smoke in bed, flirt with impunity or even marry an heiress. 这些选择现在对你而言也许还不明显,不过,你也许会发现自己很喜欢有机会躺在床上吸烟,与人调情却不受惩罚,甚至和一位女继承人结婚。
Men may flirt with girls like that but they don't marry them. 男人才不要娶那种女孩子。
He used to flirt with every girl he met. 过去他总是看到一个姑娘便跟她调情。
Because you must usually keep office relationships a secret, other employees may flirt with your partner or vice-versa. 因为通常你必须要隐瞒办公室恋情,而其他员工可能会与你的伴侣打情骂俏,或是相反的情况。
Buy some flowers and borrow a bra to flirt with her. 买束花,借个胸罩去泡她。
And no one wants to flirt with a one-eyed girl. 没人会喜欢一个熊猫眼。
And she would flirt with every man there. 她还要跟那个县里的每一个男人调情。
Maybe we could flirt with one of the bartenders. 也许我们能跟几个调酒师调调情。
Throughout the show they walk into the audience to dance and flirt with women in the crowd. 在演出过程中,这些宝贝们会走进观众中,与观众们一起跳舞一起互动。
Well, I can play her game too. I flirt with other women. 没问题,我陪她玩,我去跟别的女人调情。
Do you think I flirt with Cory? 你认为我和考力调情?
Of course she'll flirt with anybody. 当然,她对谁都卖弄风情。
The carrier could flirt with the geeks to boost its profile, attracting developers and creative types. 可以跟极客们调调情来提升自己的形象,吸引开发者和创造性人才。
It happes in a bar when a woman starts to flirt with her date. 这是从一次在一个酒吧里开始的,有个女人招惹她。
Don't forget to flirt with her and satisfy her desire. 别忘了和她调调情,并满足她的欲望。